All the news from the DDA monthly board meetings and more…

Downtown Businesses

  • Grand River Brewery, 1 E. 14 Mile and Downtown Charlie’s, 28 S. Main, are awaiting Michigan Liquor Control Commission final approval on their licenses.
  • Burger King, 172 W. 14 Mile, demolition cleanup continues. The Development Team and DDA met with the owners and architect to discuss potential development ideas

Commercial construction projects continue in and around the downtown

  • Broadway Square; work progressing on interiors of apartment units
  • 400 S. Main
  • 76-84 W. 14 Mile (former Lim’s)
  • 516 N. Main; townhome development
  • Clawson Manor, 255 E. 14 Mile; senior high rise; interior & exterior renovations
  • 436-456 W. 14 Mile submitted plans for an apartment development

Main Street
The Main Street Summit, a gathering of Downtown Managers and Oakland County Administrators and Commissioners was held on April 20 to review downtown successes and discuss the challenges facing downtowns.

Grant follow ups

  • The E. 14 Mile HAWK signal grant is moving forward on schedule. The City Engineer, AEW, is putting the project out to bid
  • We received the landscape plan for the pedestrian islands as part of a Sustainability Grant from Oakland County. The committee members are reviewing the plantings proposed and preparing comment as the grant allows for changes to be requested. The grant will cover all plants and labor.

Other News

  • The new downtown branded trash containers are expected to be delivered to DPW in a few weeks and will be placed on the sidewalks
  • The dumpster enclosures in the municipal parking lots continue to be monitored. Code Enforcement will be ticketing businesses that leave trash bags on the ground outside of the dumpsters
  • Biscuits & Gravy, 331 N. Main, is open to great reviews!

Committee News


  • The list of food trucks and their placement for May 20 will be discussed at the next Dine Clawson group meeting with the restaurant owners. Registration for trucks has been closed with the current list
  •  Space remains available for crafters and other vendors to set up for sales along the              sidewalk. Registrations are accepted online at


  • The heart artwork is complete and at DPW awaiting installation
  • Additional bistro tables and chairs are being ordered

Landscaping & Streetscape 

  • Committee has submitted for a grant offered through a partnership with Flagstar Bank and Main Street Oakland County. The $2,500 matching grant submission is for 25 banners, to be interspersed with the existing blue banners to add color in lieu of hanging baskets, and for (5) planters from EarthPlanter which have a reservoir requiring water fill up once a week.
  • Sunnyside Landscaping will begin cleaning out and prepping landscape beds (excepting the pedestrian islands) and replacing damaged plants as needed.