Starting a Business?

Let’s get started!

The Downtown Development Authority, Clawson Building Department and City Planner work as a team to provide the information you need for your project. Together we work to guide you through the process as effortlessly as possible.

For an overview of the process for commercial development or redevelopment projects within the city review the City of Clawson Guide to Development.

In this section you will find the guidelines, ordinances, policies and programs that apply within the DDA area. Click on any of the links to the left to get started.

If  you are opening a new business in a space that does not require any exterior changes to the building, except signage, you may only need a Clawson Business License and Certificate of Occupancy before opening. In addition, you will need a Building Permit for any signage.

Can’t find what you need? Contact the DDA Point of Contact, Kristen Urbanik at 248-435-4500 ext. 110. You’ll get the information you are looking for or put in touch with the person or resource you need.

Kristen Urbanik
DDA Point of Contact
0ffice: 248-435-4500 ext. 110.