The latest and greatest news as prepared for the DDA board in April:

April 2019 Director Report

Downtown Businesses

  • White Wolfe Patisserie, 31 E. 14 Mile, has submitted preliminary plans for new signage and concept designs for the north wall mural. They will turn in building permits for signage and the mural concepts will go to the Planning Commission for review.
  • Zeoli’s Italian Eatery, 126 E. 14 Mile, is now open for lunch
  • Discussions are underway with a new tenant at the former Everyday Yoga, 42 E. 14 Mile. Stay tuned!
  • There is a new business owner for Creative Chic Workshop, 36 E. 14 Mile. The business has been very successful – a good problem to have – but has become too time intensive for for the owner to continue along with a full time corporate job and family. The business is closed for a short time while the new owner gets settled.
  • Dairy O opened for the season on April 12 and we are happy to welcome Clawson residents and new business owners Jenell and Chris Stepnitz to the Downtown Clawson family
  • We are happy to welcome Josh Wilde as the new business owner of Wunderground Magic Shop, 18 S. Main Street. Josh is a long time employee and talented magician who is taking over the magic wand from Paul Nielsen who is moving on to new life opportunities.
  • The property at 84 W. 14 Mile has been sold but happy to announce the Lim’s Palace business will continue to operate in the lease space.
  • Three Cats Café, soon to be Three Cats and a Cook, 116 W. 14 Mile, is moving forward with kitchen design plans and will soon be scheduling a meeting with the Planning Commission for site plan review.

Main Street

  • Thursday, May 9 is the date for the Main Street Award Recognition Event which will be held at the Flagstar Strand Theater in Pontiac. Clawson has submitted two award submission packets for consideration.Please consider attending and cheering for Clawson:
  • In addition to the regular award submissions we have also submitted for prize considerations. DDAChairperson, MaryLiz, offered herself and talented staff to prepare a window display with the ‘Radio Hour’ criteria and for a video submission extoling the virtues of Downtown Clawson. The window display carries a prize value of $1500 and the ‘Spirit of Main’ video is a prize value of $2000 for our DDA. Fingers crossed people, this is a big win for our program and, should we not be winners in this contest, we are still big winners! Please be sure to stop by the window display take your own selfie and hashtag Downtown Clawson. The video can be viewed at this link, and sinceyou love Downtown Clawson, be sure to share: Main St.mp4?dl=0.

Contest winners will be announced at the Main Event.

  • The next round of Tech Visit funding is under consideration. Clawson will be eligible for up to $5,000.00 for project assistance as determined.

News & Updates

  • The Michigan Historic Preservation Network thanked us for our assessment submission but we did not make the cut this year. We’ll keep trying for Clawson recognition!
  • The DDA continues to explore grants for public art.
  • The final copy of the Fundraising Plan has been received and sent to Main Street for review and payment.
    • After review of the plan MSOC is trying to find additional funding to help with implementation.
  • The Little Free Library donated to the DDA on South Main Street was damaged and Chad & Christi Molitar, the original builder/donors, and former owners of the Paperback Trade Inn, have answered our plea for repairs. We owe our gratitude for their continued love and support.
  • The pedestrian crossing island at 14 Mile & High Street was hit by an impaired driver on Saturday Feb 23 and the mast arm crossing signal has been removed due to damage. The repair to the foundation and install of a new signal will be several months.
    • There have been no new updates
  • 14 & Main pedestrian crossing update. In our continued effort to be proactive with pedestrian safety the DDA was awarded funding from Main Street to hire a traffic consultant to assess pedestrian safety at the intersection. The end result is a TIA recommendation; “pedestrian push buttons should be installed. Once installed left turn protected and /or leading pedestrian intervals may be installed”. Three grant opportunities may be available but matching funds would need to be met by the city.
    • Have requested a ballpark cost estimate from TIA in order to try to move forward  
  • The final copy of the Fundraising Plan has been received and sent to Main Street for review and payment.
    • After review of the plan MSOC is trying to find additional funding to help with implementation

Committee News

Review of projects and goals for the upcoming year are underway and will be presented for consideration of 2019-2020 workplans at the next board meeting.

Promotion: Council has approved the road closure for Cinema in the Street on Saturday, July 6. Movie selection is yet to be determined. Please contribute your suggestions. Family friendly and no Disney please.

Design: We have a new Sustainability Sub-Committee and have identified short and long term goals