The latest news from Downtown Clawson for the month of April

Business Updates
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic changes continue to happen. Here’s the latest news…

Restaurants and bars
Dine in service is not allowed at restaurants, bars & coffee houses

  • Old Port is open 9a – 8pm; carry out, curbside and delivery
  • Zeoli’s is open noon – 9pm, carry out and curbside pick up
  • Tavern on the Main is open 3p – 8pm; carry out, curbside and delivery within 5 miles for min $20 order
  • Montage Grill is open 11a – 9pm Sun – Thu & 11a-10pm Fri – Sat carry out, curbside and delivery
  • Mojave Cantina is open 11a – 9pm; carry out, curbside and delivery within 5 miles for min $25 order
  • Noble Fish is open 11a –2:30p & 4:30p -6pm; for sushi bar; carry out & curbside pickup. Prepared sushi & meals are available in the grocery market section
  • Three Cats offers three dinner meal packages for $39.99. Order one day ahead, curbside pickup
  • White Wolf is open 9a-5pm & 9a – 4pm Sunday, carryout and curbside pickup
  • Uncle Andy’s Pizza is open 11a-10pm Monday-Saturday & 3p-9pm Sunday
  • Due Venti is offering limited meal pick up
  • Water to Go is open 10a – 7pm for water refill and pickup

In addition Mojave Cantina has added fresh produce grocery service and White Wolfe has added a grocery service covering primarily dairy and baking goods

54 West, Renshaw Lounge, Lim’s Palace, Detroit Burger Bar, Salt & Sugar, Froze Creamery and Kahve have temporarily closed
Dairy-O has chosen to postpone their opening at this time

Retail and service businesses are closed except for Great Lakes ACE, Michaels, Main Street Liquor, Laundry Palace, Fabricare, and Clawson Care Pharmacy

Many retail businesses offer online shopping and have expanded their online shopping offerings including:
Leon & Lulu
Flipside Records
Warp 9 Comics and Collectibles
Regeneration Clothing
Hips Resale Clothing
The Yarn Stop

Let’s Art About It is offering virtual art therapy sessions
Twy fit personal trainers are offering online virtual training

New business alert: Business licenses were granted for Great Lakes Pot Pies, 809 W. 14 Mile and Great Lakes Skate Shop, 389 E. 14 Mile

Main Street

  • National Main Street Conference scheduled May 16-20 in Dallas, TX has been cancelled.
  • The Main Street Oakland County Main Event celebrating 20 years in Main Street scheduled for May 7, 2020 has been cancelled

City news

City workers except department heads have been furloughed with the exception of the Police Department and the DPW which has a limited crew
The work of the Building Department continues

  • with Site Plan Review and permits.
  • Development Team weekly meetings

The city established a disaster team which is divided into divisions – Government, Health & Human Services, Business and Public Safety. The DDA Director is the coordinator for the Business division – assisting the DDA and city businesses and connecting them with resources. Librarian Jenni Gannod, is assisting with tracking business news

News affecting businesses are being sent via email, posted on downtownclawson/news and on social media sites

  • Keeping businesses informed on the Oakland County Stabilization Grants & Loans
  • All aspects of the federal CARES Act
  • Expanded options of unemployment

Public meetings, including DDA meetings, are being conducted online using Zoom. Meetings are posted online and in the City Hall lobby and include the meeting sign in.

Committee Reports
Design – It is possible there will be no flower baskets this year as greenhouses are closed
Promotion – The DDA is exploring event alternatives to Cinema in the Street as social distancing will likely continue
Business Development – The DDA is reviewing information to assist with business re-openings while conforming to likely restrictions

Small businesses are doing their best to remain open – carry out, if allowed, and with an online presence.
These businesses support many community activities and causes throughout the year. Your support now will help them to remain in business and part of our community.

If you are not in a position to support then with a purchase then please consider tagging them in a social media post, raving Yelp review, like and share their posts, send them an email or any other means of support. They miss their customers and your support is appreciated.

Another happy note is that interest in downtown property remains high and we look forward to continuing to grow and improve.

Your thoughts are welcome. Questions, ideas to share and volunteer inquiries will be happily accepted. Please email Joan Horton at

Stay well!

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