The latest and greatest from the Director’s Report at the June DDA meeting:
Downtown Businesses
- Weiss Distilling Company, 24/34 E. 14 Mile, will be on the Planning Commission agenda for site plan review in August. The current two-story building adjacent to the alley will remain and the former Great Sport Coffee building will be demolished and rebuilt. This will be a great addition to the downtown!
- Zeoli’s Italian Restaurant, 126 E. 14 Mile, is planning a mid-August opening. Will keep you posted on a date.
- NOAR Technologies has purchased the former Toto building, 303 E. 14 Mile, and will be on an August agenda for Planning Commission for site plan review. The building will see very little change but there is parking lot reconfiguration and a kneewall for parking lot screening.
- Salt & Sugar, 139 W. 14 Mile, has asked to schedule a Ribbon Cutting on Wednesday, August 1stat 9:30am. Please try to attend to welcome this new business
- Old Port Restaurant, 278 E. 14 Mile, continues improvements with new windows installed on the front and east façade. The new framing makes the windows appear larger and updates the look of the building
- According to the building owner, the lease space at 204 E. 14 Mile, will soon be a pizza take-out. The partners in the Marconi business have separated and one of the partners will open the business, it is believed, under a new name.
- Sunnyside Landscaping will be replacing damaged plants in the streetscape. Have just been waiting for a break in the high temps before planting
- The Church at Clawson, 655 S. Main, has agreed to the use of their parking lot for municipal parking when not used for church activities. This is a temporary agreement until the first of the year to see if it helps with congestions especially with Woodpile. Signage will go up once a formal agreement is written and signed.