The latest and greatest news and updates from the March meeting of DDA boardmembers:
March 2019 Director Report
Downtown Businesses
- Work continues on the interiors of Noble Fish and the White Wolfe Patisserie. Look for the sidewalk to be closed for a short time when a new sewer line is placed.
- White Wolfe will be submitting drawings soon for a north wall mural
Main Street
- Reminder: Thursday, May 9 is the date for the Main Street Award Recognition Event. Clawson is submitting two award submission packets for consideration.
News & Updates
- The pedestrian crossing island at 14 Mile & High Street was hit by an impaired driver on Saturday Feb 23 and the mast arm crossing signal has been removed due to damage. The repair to the foundation and install of a new signal will be several months.
- The Michigan Historic Preservation Network issued an opportunity to compete for a Historic Community Assessment. The DDA completed the paperwork submitting a detailed narrative and supporting documents for consideration. This is a great opportunity to highlight Clawson’s varied historic elements – from early kit homes to mid-century modern. Fingers crossed we are awarded this assessment to acknowledge and celebrate our community!
- 14 & Main pedestrian crossing update. In our continued effort to be proactive with pedestrian safety the DDA was awarded funding from Main Street to hire a traffic consultant to assess pedestrian safety at the intersection. The end result is a TIA recommendation; “pedestrian push buttons should be installed. Once installed left turn protected and /or leading pedestrian intervals may be installed”. Three grant opportunities may be available but matching funds would need to be met by the city.
- The DDA is exploring two sources for grants for public art.
- The final copy of the Fundraising Plan has been received and sent to Main Street for review and payment.
- The Little Free Library donated to the DDA on South Main Street has been damaged and needs a new door. We are currently seeking a volunteer craftsman.
Committee News
The movie vendor is locked in for Cinema in the Street on Saturday, July 6. Movie to be determined and suggestions are welcome.
The movie vendor is locked in for Cinema in the Street on Saturday, July 6. Movie to be determined and suggestions are welcome.