The latest news from Downtown Clawson for the month of May
Business Updates
- All businesses open at last month’s report remain open. There have been no business closures. New re-openings are Renshaw Lounge, Kahve and Dairy-O
- Restaurants are still limited to carry out. No indoor seating or outdoor seating. The Attorney General issued an opinion that closed to seating means all seating. Hopefully, this will change soon.
- Retail is allowed to re-open on May 26 with shopping by appointment which is intended to limit the number of shoppers allowed into the building at one time. Online shopping and curbside pick up continue to be offered. Sidewalk sales are encouraged.
- Medical and dental services are allowed beginning May 29
- Sign permits have been approved for Sabbath Coffee and Biland and Cashmere Salon
- Plans have been submitted for a multi-family development north of 14 Mile between Florence & High Street
- Broadway Square (ACE Development) is continuing to work with the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) on Brownfield and the Community Rehabilitation Act funding
Main Street
- Main Street Oakland County (MSOC) is working on Opening Kits of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) for businesses that includes masks, gloves and sanitizer. The DDA submitted a spreadsheet with business information including number of employees for all of our businesses. We expect delivery next week.
- MSOC is sponsoring crowdfunding through Patronicity for certified Main Street communities. Patronicity is waiving all set up fees and MSOC is matching donations that meet or exceed $4,000. The DDA a campaign – Clawson Can Do!
It includes a great video by Tyler and Andrea Williams from Pumachug and photo collages of the downtown and of business owners. The campaign goal is $10,000.
This is an online campaign and EVERYONE needs to share the link Place it and pin to the top of your businesses and personal FB pages, send out to email lists and newsletter lists.
We are contacting companies and vendors connected to Clawson. This information needs to be shared!! We need everyone’s help to find people that understand the importance of supporting downtowns!!
- Main Street Tech Visit requests are due this week. The DDA will use the tech visit funds for promoting the downtown through recovery. Funds can be used for marketing, public art, events, outdoor seating and the like. This can be used in addition to the Patronicity funds.
- The Oakland County Stabilization Grant Program began with 1.1 mil from the MEDC which the county matched. Business applications were due April 6. Funding was depleted quickly and the County then added 11 mil from federal Cares Act funding to create a second round. Award announcements have been sent to all businesses. There were over 7,000 applications county wide. Clawson had 94 applications with 64 awards.
- MEDC Match on Main Grant Program was announced last week and application packets must be submitted by Friday, May 29. Funds are targeted to support small businesses in traditional commercial districts such as downtowns and to assist those that did not receive Stabilization Grant funding. The DDA will write a grant application and submit with the additional documentation.
We are keeping up with social media, website, newsletters and business communication to keep the downtown businesses and those throughout the community aware of changes in Executive Orders and how they affect business. We are also maintaining an ongoing list of resources on available funding programs and resources along with guidelines, tips and resources for re-opening. Stay tuned to as the posts update frequently.
With social distancing we are going to need additional seating so we have contacted two Clawson companies – Alan’s Tree Service and Longtree Tree Service – to find large size tree stumps to turn into fast and easy seats which we will decorate with paint on the tops. Fast, easy and recyclable when they are no longer needed. Other sources are welcome.
Cinema in the Street and Fourth of July celebrations have been cancelled for this year
Promoting Clawson Can Do! with a Rosie the Riveter style character that was drawn for us by Cristina Phillips. We will have posters made for the businesses.
We are ordering masks with Clawson Can Do and our logo imprinted down the side
We have created a Facebook group – Love Letters to Clawson Businesses – please post now and often and tag your favorite business anywhere in Clawson to let them know how much you appreciate them. Please don’t forget to tag them in the post so the business gets the notice!
As part of marketing Mary Liz and I taped segments for a public television story about Clawson
Business Development
Working with businesses on a case by case situation to determine how to best maximize municipal property and right of way space for patios and retail.
We are currently creating a new COVID-19 business directory so businesses can update hours and services as things change.
Your thoughts are welcome. Questions, ideas to share and volunteer inquiries will be happily accepted. Please email Joan Horton at
Stay well!