All the news that us news from the Directors Report at the November Board Meeting of the DDA
Downtown Business Updates
- Broadway Square (ACE Development), construction continues, streetlights have been moved and paving for on-street parking will soon occur
- A new business, Hotworx, has leased one of the Broadway Square tenant spaces and have submitted building plans for the space
- Anticipate grand opening & ribbon cuttings to be scheduled soon for Lucky Duck, 38 S. Main, Downtown Charlie’s, 230-236 S. Main, and Noori Chicken, 1 S. Main
Main Street
- The Downtown Parking Study results have been delayed and are expected within the next two weeks
Other Updates
- The 14 Mile alley arch and latest round of silhouette art figures will be installed when the DPW is able to schedule.
- The Michigan Liquor Control Commission (MLCC) notified the DDA that license holders identified as potential social district members may now make application. Eleven of the thirteen applicants received resolutions from Council at their meeting last night enabling them to complete their applications to the MLCC. The remaining applicants may submit to Council at a future meeting.
- The Clawson H.S. students interested in proposing a fundraising effort as a school project have received class approval to fundraise for the replacement of the downtown clock. The DDA has obtained quotes and supplied them for the project
Grant News
Continuing to work on specifics of two sources of grant funding and to obtain quotes to submit with applications
Building & Planning Department Update
- Construction continues for Elliot Street apartment complex on N. Rochester Road. No updates
- The new multi-use development at 516 N. Main received site plan approval at the 10/26/21 Planning Commission meeting
Committee News
- In keeping true to our budget and fiscal commitment the October events – Trick or Treasure and The Great Pubkin Crawl – were cash neutral events with the expenditure of the distrx beacons, approved last month, also covered within these event budgets.
- Planning is underway to promote Small Business Saturday on November 27 and for new downtown holiday decor